Vella M.-A., Sarris A., Agapiou A., Lysandrou V., Sensing the Cultural Heritage from above. The Case from Cyprus (under preparation)

Agapiou A., Lysandrou V., Remote Sensing Studies on Monitoring Natural Hazards Over Cultural Heritage Sites in Cyprus. In: Al Saud, M.M. (eds) Applications of Space Techniques on the Natural Hazards in the MENA Region. Springer, Cham.

Cantoro G., Agapiou A., Déderix S., Sarris A., “Chapitre 4. Numérisation 3D du Bâtiment Dessenne”, in M. Devolder and I. Caloi, Le Bâtiment Dessenne dans l’établissement protopalatial de Malia, to be submitted for publication in the series Etudes crétoises of the French School at Athens, ISBN 978-2-86958-301-2

Agapiou A., 2016, A window for the hidden past: revealing architecture remains based on ground spectroscopy data analysis. In: Masini N, Soldovieri F (eds) Sensing the past. Geoscience and sensing technologies for cultural heritage. Springer, Cham, pp 135–152, chapter 7

Agapiou A., Alexakis D. D., Sarris A., Hadjimitsis D. G., 2015, On the use of Satellite Remote Sensing in Archaeology, In: Sarris A (Ed.), Best Practices of Geoinformatics Technologies for the Mapping of Archaeolandscapes, Archaeopress Archaeology, ISBN 978 1 7849, 115-125.

Alexakis D., Agapiou A., Hadjimitsis D., Sarris A., 2012, Remote Sensing Applications in Archaeological Research, in Remote Sensing – Applications, Dr. Boris Escalante (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0651-7, DOI: 10.5772/37668. InTech.