Accomplished projects
- 2022-2024. Research program ‘’Identification of Medicinal/Aromatic Plants properties and improving quality, nutritive value and storability of fresh and dry products to support SME competitiveness-Opti-AromaQ’’. Excellence Hubs-Restart RIF. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus Coordinator. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr Nikolaos Tzortzakis) for Cyprus- Total project budget 259,573.38 €.
- 2020-2024. Research program ‘’VALorization of Mediterranean small-scale FARMs by cropping wild UnExploited species-VALUEFARM‘’. Research in PRIMA. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr Nikolaos Tzortzakis) for Cyprus- Total project budget 1,261,435.4 €.
- 2022-2024. Research program ‘’A sustainable and innovative management system for toxic cyanobacteria blooming of surface waters with combined energy production, sustainable agriculture, and food safety– CYanoTech’’. Excellence Hubs-Restart RIF. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus Coordinator. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr M Antoniou) for Cyprus- Total project budget 198,607.92 €.
- 2020-2024. Research program ‘’Innovative Sustainable technologies TO extend the shelf-life of Perishable MEDiterranean fresh fruit, vegetables and aromatic plants and to reduce WASTE-StopMedWaste’’. Research in PRIMA. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr Nikolaos Tzortzakis) for Cyprus- Total project budget 1,088,305.35 €.
- 2022-2024. Research program ‘’Innovative approach toward sustainable hydroponic-SustaPonics’’. Research grant United Arab Emirates University Strategic Research 2021. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus external expertise. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr Nikolaos Tzortzakis) for Cyprus – Total project budget 94,266 €.
- 2021-2023. Research program ‘’Basic substances as an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic pesticides for plant protection-BasicS’’. Project EUPHRESCO Network. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr Nikolaos Tzortzakis) for Cyprus.
- 2020-2023. Research program “Development of an innovative technology using special ion electrodes and suitable software for hydroponic production with emphasis on recycling of the drainage solution in closed systems- Nutrisense’’. Research in Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI). Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus external expertise. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr Nikolaos Tzortzakis) for Cyprus- Total project budget 156,850 €.
- 2019-2021. Research program ‘’Eco-innovation for the production of low environmental footprint wine-EcoWinery’’. Research in Excellence Hubs- Restart 2016-2020 (EXCELLENCE/1216/0279). Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr M Stavrinides) for Cyprus- Total project budget 252,960.70 €.
- 2018-2021. Research program ‘’Improving innovation capacities of private and public actors for sustainable and profitable REcycling of LIVEstock WASTE-RELIFEWASTE’’. Interreg in Mediterranean –MED (3MED17_1.1_M2_070). Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr M Antoniou) for Cyprus- Total project budget 2,285,087.50 €.
- 2018-2020. Research program “Herbal essential oils: Potential for development as low-risk pesticides, plant growth promoters and produce sanitizers- PlanSafe’’. Research in Enterprises/Smart Growth- Restart 2016-2020. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr M. Stavrinides; Dr N. Tzortzakis; Dr A. Anayiotos) for Cyprus- Total project budget 214,673 €.
- 2017-2020. Research program Balkan-Interreg “Agrofood Innovation Clusters– Agrolabs”. Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI-Dr Nikolaos Tzortzakis) for Cyprus- Total project budget 998,845 €.
- 2016-2019. Research program FACCE SUPLUS “Torward a Sustainable Viticulture: Improved Grapevine Productivity and Tolerance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses by Combining Resistant Cultivars and Beneficial Microorganisms- VITISMART”. Inter-Border Cooperation at Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture for Food and Non-Food Systems. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI) for Cyprus- Total project budget 2,417,000 €.
- 2017-2019. Research program Bord na Mona “Biochar as peat replacement growing media- OptiBiochar”. Cooperation Program Cyprus-Ireland. Cyprus University of Technology. Role: Cyprus beneficiary. Scientific Coordinator (PI) for Cyprus- Total project budget 15,000 €.
- 2013-2015. Research program “Alteration of salinity-induced stress in hydroponically grown aromatic plants -SALTAROMA”. Cyprus University of Technology. Start-up grant for research in CUT. Role: Scientific Coordinator (PI)- Total budget 40,000 €.
- 2012-2014. Research program INTERREG “Sustainable of Biotic and Abiotic Parameter in Hydroponically Grown Tomatoes and Lettuce-HYDROFLIES”. Cyprus University of Technology. Inter-Border Cooperation Programme between Greece-Cyprus 2007-2013. Role: Scientific and Management project Coordinator (PI)- Total budget 595,000 €. (
- 2012-2015. Research program ΑRCHIMED II “Deployment of Essential Oils for the Preservation of Fresh Produce in Crete- ESSOFRESH”. Technological Educational Institute of Crete & Cyprus University of Technology. Archimedes III-Strengthening research groups in Technological Educational Institutes. Role: Research associate from abroad & Scientific Coordinator (PI)- Total budget 82,000 €.
- 2010 -2011. Research program LIFE 08 ENV/GR/551 “From treated wastewater to alternative water resources in semi-arid regions”. Technological Educational Institute of Crete. Total budget 2,404,277 € (PostDoc position).
- 2010 – 2011. Research program XM EOX: EL0031 “Improving the reclamation and reuse of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes in Agriculture and Environmental applications’’. Technological Educational Institute of Crete. Total budget 2,220,000 € (PostDoc position).
- 2008-2009. National Greek Scholarship Foundation-IKY. “The use essential oil and natural products as alternative means of disinfection for the preservation of fresh produce of Solanaceae family”. Institute of Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants, NAGREF. Total budget 7,200 € (PostDoc position).
- 2007-2008. Research pogram “Impact of salinity ion olive plants (Olea europaea L.) in hydroponically grown crops and technique for stress suppression” Program of Inter-country Collaboration of Greek-Egypt (General Secretariat of Research and Technology-GGET). Institute of Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants, NAGREF. Total budget 8,000 € (Scientific personnel).
- 2006-2008. Research program IMAGE “Sustainable use of water resources and rural development in drought affected areas”. INTERREG III, ARCHIMED, Institute of Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants, NAGREF. Total budget 1,241,356 € (PostDoc position).