Dr. Felix Hermerschmidt
Research Fellow
+357 2500 2095
Felix' current research interests lie on processing methods and morphology control in thin-film organic solar cells. He uses small molecules as donor/acceptor replacement in these types of devices, as well as novel materials to achieve higher power conversion efficiencies. Additionally, he makes use of inkjet-printing for fabrication of OPV layers. He works closely with collaborators at the University of Cyprus and Imperial College London for further characterisations of the devices obtained.
Felix joined the MEP Research Unit in 2011 having previously completed his Master's at Imperial College London focusing on the use of surfactants in bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells under the supervision of James R. Durrant and Natalie Stingelin. Before that he obtained a BSc degree from Freie Universität Berlin, carrying out his final year project at Fritz-Haber Institut under the supervision of Malte Behrens (FHI) and Jens Beckmann (FU Berlin).
He is originally from Berlin but spent many years in London before beginning his undergraduate studies.