(PhD) Postdoctoral Researcher

Constantinos Stylianou

About Constantinos Stylianou

Email: c.stylianou@cut.ac.cy

Constantinos Stylianou obtained his PhD from the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus in 2017. His research interests are focused mainly in the area of Software Engineering. In particular, he works on aspects of Software Project Management, such as the use of Computational Intelligence techniques for task scheduling and resource allocation, and human-centric factors in software development. In addition, he has experience in working with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps as a qualitative modelling and simulation tool for supporting decision-makers during assessment and analysis of the impacts of policy decisions in socioeconomic, political and technology problems. He has worked in several EU-funded research projects, including: GENESIS (FP6-ICT) for enterprise application interoperability-integration for SMEs, governmental organizations and intermediaries and FUPOL (FP7-ICT) for intelligent tools for future policy design and modelling. At present he is involved in various research projects in the fields of Software Engineering, e-Governance and Environment, such as: DOSSIER-CLOUD (H2020-TWINNING) for DevOps-based Software Engineering for the Cloud; SMARTGOV (JPI-URBAN EUROPE) for advanced decision support for smart governance; and SOCLIMPACT (H2020-SOCIETAL CHALLENGES) for downscaling climate impacts and decarbonization pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond. He has also worked as an Expert Scientist at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the Cyprus University of Technology, teaching Software Project Management (CEI474) at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics.