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Corina Konstantinou

Behzad Heibati

Research Fellow

Behzad Heibati has started his scientific career in 2019 as a research fellow at the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health, Cyprus University of Technology, where he has explored the human exposome through characterisation of environmental and biological samples. He has applied these exposure assessment methods in numerous in epidemiological studies. In 2018, his EXPOSOWORK proposal received the Seal of Excellence by the European Commission as submitted in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie action H2020-MSCA-IF-2018, and then co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation in 2020. He has a wide experience in collaborating several national and international projects, whose main objectives were related to the assessment of the impact of exposure to indoor and outdoor air in different settings on metabolic health outcomes.