
Observatory’s Advisory Committee (OAC)

The role of the OAC will be to exchange views on various issues related to the Observatory (i.e. assessment procedures, communication methods, reporting of results) and to develop recommendations for improvement. The OAC members are parents of children participating in the Observatory who expressed their interest in becoming members of the OAC.

The OAC will have hybrid meetings lasting about one hour to discuss various predetermined topics, 1-2 times a year.

The first OAC meeting took place on May 23, with about 15 parents and 4 members of the Observatory’s team. A discussion was focused around the personalized results and suggestions for future assessments. The next meeting is expected to take place towards the end of 2024.


Observatory’s Advisory Board (OAB)

The role of the OAB will be to provide strategic advice and support to the Observatory. The OAB members will be external experts who will help the Observatory achieve its goals by offering advice, expertise, and guidance. The OAB will be formed soon.