Thessaloniki CHILDREN_FIRST focus groups with parents in schools
Meetings with parents of first-grade primary school students and teachers from four schools took place during spring 2024 in order to provide information about the aims of the CHILDREN FIRST cohort study in Thessaloniki, Greece within the scopes of a feasibility study. The parents participated in four focus groups aimimg to explore the feasibility of this cohort study identifying what motivates them to participate, possible barriers and also any further suggestions on what they would additionally like to benefit from their participation or on how to increase participation rates. Individual semi-structure studies on relevant topics were conducted with teachers and directors of primary schools. The feasibility study was conducted by two postgraduate students, Ms. Athina Sygkouna and Ms. Marianthi Xrysikou, both pediatricians under the supervision of Associate Professor Zoi Tsimtsiou, Director of the MSc program “Social-Preventive Medicine and Quality in Health Care” of the School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.