Research papers in peer-reviewed Journals
- Tzortzakis N, Neofytou G, Chrysargyris A, 2025. Nitrogen Fertilization Coupled with Zinc Foliar Applications Modulate the Production, Quality, and Stress Response of Sideritis cypria Plants Grown Hydroponically Under Excess Copper Concentrations. Plants, 2025, 14, 691.
- Burato A, Džomba E, Čengić-Džomba S, Chrysargyris A, Kallikazarou N, Melito S, Marceddu D, González-Orenga S, Giannini V, Antoniou MG, Tzortzakis N, Boscaiu M, Ronga D, 2025. Effects of organo-mineral fertilizers containing struvite from liquid digestate on the growth of baby-leaf lettuce and radish. Italian Journal of Agronomy, In press
- Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2025. Optimizing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium requirements to improve Origanum dubium Boiss growth, nutrient and water use efficiency, essential oil yield and composition. Industrial Crops and Products. 224, 120291.
- Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2025. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Requirements to Improve Portulaca oleracea Growth, Nutrient and Water Use Efficiency in Hydroponics. Agronomy 15(1), 111;
- Litskas V, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Stravrinides M, Petropoulos SA, 2025. Can the commercial cultivation of wild edible species contribute to sustainable food production? A case study of golden thistle (Scolymus hispanicus). The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. In press.
- Tomou E-M, Engler O, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Skaltsa H, Urmann C, 2025. Targeted isolation of coumarins from Sideritis species based on antiviral screening and untargeted metabolomics. Phytochemical Analysis. In press.
- Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2025. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium requirements to improve Sideritis cypria growth, nutrient and water use efficiency in hydroponic cultivation. Heliyon. In press.
- Hajisolomou E, Neofytou G, Petropoulos SA, Tzortzakis N, 2024. The Application of Conventional and Organic Fertilizers During Wild Edible Species Cultivation: A Case Study of Purslane and Common Sowthistle. Horticulturae, 2024, 10, 1222.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Tomou E-M, Goumenos C, Skaltsa H, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Quality Characteristics and Essential Oil Properties of Thymus capitatus, Mentha piperita, and Sideritis cypria Dried under Different Conditions. Plants, 2024, 13.
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Drying temperature and conditions affect the Origanum dubium and Salvia fruticosa Mill. quality attributes and impact the essential oil composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Industrial Crops and Products. In press.
- Chrysargyris A, Prasad M, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Wood-Based Biochar Ratio Used for Partial Peat Replacement in Growing Media for Antirrhinum majus Pot Production. Agriculture, 2024, 14, 1860.
- Neofytou G, Chrysargyris A, Antoniou MG, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Radish and Spinach Seedling Production and Early Growth in Response to Struvite Use as a Phosphorus Source. Plants, 2024, 13.
- de Oliveira I, Chrysargyris A, Finimundy TC, Carocho M, Santos-Buelga C, Calhelha RC, Tzortzakis N, Barros L, Heleno SA, 2024. The influence of magnesium and manganese cations on the chemical and bioactive properties of purple and green basil. Food and Function, In press
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Zengin G, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) growth, nutritional, and antioxidant status under different nitrogen levels in hydroponics. Horticulturae, 2024, 10.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Origanum dubium (Cypriot oregano) use for the preservation of fresh spearmint quality and safety. Agronomy in press
- Chrysargyris, A. It Runs in the Family: The Importance of the Lamiaceae Family Species. Agronomy 2024, 14, 1274.
- Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Aziz A. 2024. Bio-based Compounds from Plants and Beneficial Microbes for Alleviation of Biotic and Abiotic Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, in press.
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Oliviculture and Viticulture Crop Byproducts Use for Peat Partial Substitution for Carnation Production. Agronomy 14, 605.
- Alneyadi KSS, Almheiri MSB, Tzortzakis N, Di Gioia F, Ahmed ZFR, 2024. Organic-based nutrient solutions for sustainable vegetable production in a zero-runoff soilless growing system. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. In press.
- Tzortzakis N, 2024. Origanum dictamnus Essential Oil in Vapour or Aqueous Solution Application for Pepper Fruit Preservation against Botrytis cinerea. Agronomy 14, 257. agronomy14020257.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Postharvest safety and quality of fresh basil as affected by the use of Cypriot oregano (Origanum dubium) extracts. Horticulturae, 10,
- de Oliveira I, Chrysargyris A, Finimundy TC, Carocho M, Santos-Buelga C, Calhelha RC, Tzortzakis N, Barros L, Heleno SA, 2024. Magnesium and manganese induced changes on chemical, nutritional, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of the Pansy and Viola edible flowers. Food Chemistry, in press
- Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Residues from Medicinal and Aromatic Plants after Distillation Can Be Used in Replace Some Peat in the Growing Media for Viola × wittrockiana Agronomy 14, 187. 10.3390/agronomy14010187
- Chrysargyris A, Petrovic JD, Tomou E-M, Kyriakou K, Xylia P, Kotsoni A, Gkretsi V, Miltiadous P, Skaltsa H, Sokovic MD, Tzortzakis N, 2024. Phytochemical Profiles and Biological Activities of Plant Extracts from Aromatic Plants Cultivated in Cyprus. Biology 13, 45. biology13010045
- Tzortzakis N, Chrysargyris A, 2024. Olive-mill and grape-mill residue impact the growth, physiology and nutrient status of grapevines young cuttings. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, in press
- Chrysargyris A, Hajisolomou E, Xylia P, Tzortzakis N, 2023. Ammonium to total nitrogen ratio affects the purslane (Portulaca oleracea) growth, nutritional, and antioxidant status. Heliyon, in press
- Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2023. Optimising fertigation of hydroponically grown sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus): The impact of the nitrogen source and supply concentration. Agricultural Water Management. In press
- Chrysargyris A, Baldi A, Lenzi A, Bulgari R, 2023. Wild Plant Species as Potential Horticultural Crops: An Opportunity for Farmers and Consumers. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 1193. horticulturae9111193
- Xylia P, Goumenos C, Tzortzakis N, Chrysargyris A, 2023. Application of lavender and rosemary essential oils (EOs), their mixture and eucalyptol (EOs main compound) on cucumber fruit quality attributes and microbial load. Agronomy, In press
- Chrysargyris A, Maggini R, Incrocci L, Pardossi A, Tzortzakis N, 2023. Zinc and copper tolerance and accumulation in rocket grown in soilless culture. Horticulturae, 9, 976.
- Prvulović D, Gvozdenac S, Latković D, Tukuljac MP, Sikora V, Kiprovski B, Mišan A, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Ovuka J. 2023. Phytotoxic and insecticidal activity of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) extracts against Plodia interpunctella Hübner – A potential sunflower grain protectant. Agronomy, in press
- de Oliveira I, Chrysargyris A, Heleno SA, Carocho M, Calhelha RC, Dias MI, Petrović J, Soković M, Petropoulos SA, Santos-Buelga C, Tzortzakis N, Barros L, 2023. Effects of the extraction techniques on the chemical composition and bioactive properties of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) plants grown under different cropping and irrigation regimes. Food Research International, in press.
- Pires O., Di Gioia F, Rouphael Y, García-Caparrós P, Tzortzakis N, Ferreira ICFR, Barros L, Petropoulos SA, Caleja C, 2023. Edible flowers as an emerging horticultural product: a review on sensorial properties, mineral and aroma profile. Trends in Food Science & Technology, in press
- Chrysargyris A, Louka S, Petropoulos SA, Tzortzakis N, 2023. Soilless Cultivation of Portulaca oleracea Using Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Residues for Partially Peat Replacement. Horticulturae in press.
- Chrysargyris A, Tomou E-M, Goula K, Dimakopoulou K, Tzortzakis N, Skaltsa H, 2023. Sideritis essential oils: A systematic review. Phytochemistry, in press
- Chrysargyris A, Goumenos C, Tzortzakis N, 2023. Use of medicinal and aromatic plant residues for partially peat substitution in growing media for Sonchus oleraceus Agronomy, in press.
- Chrysargyris A, Hajisolomou E, Xylia P, Tzortzakis N, 2023. Olive-mill and grape-mill waste as a substitute growing media component for unexploded vegetables production. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, In press.
- Aldhanhani ARH, Ahmed ZFR, Tzortzakis N, Singh Z, 2022. Mature fruit of jujbe (Ziziphus mauritiana and Ziziphus spina-christi L) is a promising source for naturally occurring antioxidant and antibacterial phytochemicals. Annals of Agriculture Science. In press.
- Rajestary R, Xylia P, Chrysargyris, A, Romanazzi G, Tzortzakis N, 2022. Preharvest Application of Commercial Products Based on Chitosan, Phosphoric Acid Plus Micronutrients, and Orange Essential Oil on Postharvest Quality and Gray Mold Infections of Strawberry. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 15472.
- Chrysargyris A, Skaltsa H, Konstantopoulou M, 2022. Editorial: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs): The Connection between Cultivation Practices and Biological Properties. Agronomy. in press.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Miltiadous P, Tzortzakis N, 2022. Origanum dubium (Cypriot Oregano) as a Promising Sanitizing Agent against Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes on Tomato and Cucumber Fruits. Biology, 11, 1772.
- Kapnisis K, Chrysargyris A, Prokopi M, Varda E, Kokkinidou D, Samourides A, Xylia P, Onisiforou P, Stavrinides M, Tzortzakis N, Anayiotos A, 2022. Effects on Lettuce Yield Parameters and Toxicological Safety Assessment of a Plant-Derived Formulation Based on Rosemary and Eucalyptus Essential Oils. Agronomy, in press.
- Litskas V, Ledo A, Lawrence P, Chrysargyris A, Giannopoulos G, Heathcote R, Hastings A, Tzortzakis N, Stavrinides M. 2022. Use of Winery and Animal Waste as Fertilizers to Achieve Climate Neutrality in Non-Irrigated Viticulture. Agronomy, in press.
- Tzortzakis N, Massa D, Vandecasteele B, 2022. Editorial:The Tripartite of Soilless Systems, Growing Media, and Plants through an Intensive Crop Production Scheme. Agronomy, in press.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Shahwar D, Ahmed ZFR, Tzortzakis N, 2022. Application of rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils on the preservation of cucumber fruit. Horticulturae. In press
- Hassanpouraghdam MB, Vojodi LM, Kheiri M, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2022. Physiological and biochemical responses of Tanacetum balsamita to the foliar application of Dobogen biostimulant, glucose and KNO3 under salinity stress. Scientific Reports, In press
- Maggini R, Tzortzakis N, Currey CJ, 2022. Editorial: Soilless Culture for Vegetative Biomass Production and Specialized Metabolites: Medicinal, Aromatic and Edible Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, In Press
- Chrysargyris A, Petropoulos SA, Tzortzakis N, 2022. Essential Oil Composition and Bioactive Properties of Lemon Balm Aerial Parts as Affected by Cropping System and Irrigation Regime. Agronomy, in press.
- Xylia P, Fasko KG, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2022. Heat treatment, sodium carbonate, ascorbic acid and rosemary essential oil application for the preservation of fresh Rosmarinus officinalis Postharvest Biology and Technology, in press.
- Chrysargyris A, Höfte M, Tzortzakis N, Petropoulos SA., Di Gioia F, 2022. Micronutrients: The Borderline Between their Beneficial Role and Toxicity in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, In Press
- Tzortzakis N, Pitsikoulaki G, Stamatakis A, Chrysargyris A, 2022. Ammonium to total nitrogen ratio interactive effects with salinity application on Solanum lycopersicum growth, physiology, and fruit storage in a closed hydroponic system. Agronomy, in press.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Botsaris G, Skandamis P, Tzortzakis N, 2022. Salmonella Enteritidis survival in different temperatures and nutrient solution pH levels in hydroponically grown lettuce. Food Microbiology, In Press.
- Chrysargyris A, Rousos C, Xylia P, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Vapour Application of Sage Essential Oil Maintain Tomato Fruit Quality in Breaker and Red Ripening Stages. Plants, 10.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Ahmed ZFR, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Application of rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils and their main component on the preservation of apple and pear fruits. Horticulture, 7(11), 479.
- Marchand PA, Davillerd Y, Riccioni L, Sanzani SM, Horn N, Matyjaszczyk E, Golding J, Roberto SR, Mattiuz B-H, Xu D, Guo X, Tzortzakis N, Ruiz YYP, Pavela R, Karaffa EM, Khamis Y, Hosseinifarahi M, Ippolito A, Di Francesco A, Germinara GS, Toffolatti S, Sannino F, Chaves- Lopez C, Mezzalama M, Mori N, Bautista-Banos S, Martinez PG, Kowalska J, Gonzalez-Candelas L, Garde-Cerdán T, Allagui MB, Teksur PK, Moumni M, Giovani B, Romanazzi G. BasicS, an Euphresco international network on renewable natural substances for durable crop protection products. Chronicle of Bioresource Management 5(3), 077-080.
- Chrysargyris A, Evangelides E, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Seasonal variation of antioxidant capacity, phenols, minerals and essential oil components of sage, spearmint and sideritis plants grown at different altitudes. Agronomy, in press.
- Ahmed ZFR, Alnuaimi AKH, Askri A, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Evaluation of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Production under Hydroponic System: Nutrient Solution Derived from Fish Waste vs. Inorganic Nutrient Solution. Horticulturae, In press.
- Athinodorou F, Foukas P, Tsaniklidis G, Kotsiras A, Chrysargyris A, Delis C, Kyratzis A, Tzortzakis N, Nikoloudakis N, 2021. Morphological diversity, genetic characterization, and phytochemical assessment of the Cypriot tomato germplasm. Plants, In press.
- Chrysargyris A, Maggini R, Incrocci L, Pardossi A, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Copper Tolerance and Accumulation on Pelargonium graveolens L’Hér. Grown in Hydroponic Culture. Plants, In press.
- Tomou E-M, Lytra K, Chrysargyris A, Christofi M-D, Miltiadous P, Corongiu GL, Tziouvelis M, Tzortzakis N, Skaltsa H, 2021. Polar constituents, biological effects and nutritional value of Sideritis sipylea Boiss. Natural Product Research. In press
- Fernandes Â, Figueiredo S, Finimundy TC, Pinela J, Tzortzakis N, Ivanov M, Soković M, Ferreira ICFR, Petropoulos SA, Barros L, 2021. Chemical composition and bioactive properties of purple French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. “Purple Queen”) as affected by water deficit irrigation and biostimulants application. Sustainability, In press.
- Chrysargyris A, Petropoulos SA, Prvulovic D, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Performance of hydroponically cultivated geranium and common verbena under salinity and high electrical conductivity levels. Agronomy, in press.
- Shahrajabian MH, Chaski C, Polyzos N, Tzortzakis N, Petropoulos SA, 2021. Sustainable agriculture systems in vegetable production using chitin and chitosan as plant biostimulants. Biomolecules, in press.
- Xylia P, Ioannou I, Chrysargyris A, Stavrinides M, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Quality attributes and storage of tomato fruits as affected by an eco-friendly, essential oil-based product. Plants, In press.
- Xylia P, Botsaris G, Skandamis P, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Expiration date of ready-to-eat salads: Effects on microbial load and biochemical attributes. Foods, in press.
- Antoniou O, Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Effects of selenium and/or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation on strawberry grown in hydroponic trial. Agronomy, in press.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2021. The combined and single effect of marjoram essential oil, ascorbic acid and chitosan on fresh-cut lettuce preservation. Foods, in press
- Chrysargyris A, Koutsoumpeli E, Xylia P, Fytrou A, Konstantopoulou M, Tzortzakis N, 2021. Organic cultivation and deficit irrigation practices to improve chemical and biological activity of Mentha spicata plants. Agronomy, in press.
- Heyman L, Chrysargyris A, Demeestere K, Tzortzakis N, Höfte M, 2021. Responses to drought stress modulate the susceptibility to Plasmopara viticola in grapevine. Plants, In press.
- Lytra K, Tomou E-M, Chrysargyris A, Christofi M-D, Miltiadous P, Tzortzakis N, Skaltsa H, 2021. Bio-guided investigation of Sideritis cypria Post. methanol extract driven by in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic assays. Chemistry and Biodiversity, in press.
- Vink SN, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Salles JF, 2021. Bacterial community dynamics varies with soil management and irrigation practices in grapevines (Vitis vinifera). Applied Soil Ecology. in press.
- Chrysargyris A, Antoniou O, Xylia P, Petropoulos SA., Tzortzakis N, 2021. The use of spent coffee grounds in growing media for the production of Brassica seedlings in nurseries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 24279-24290.
- Chrysargyris A, Charalambous S, Xylia P, Litskas V, Stavrinides M, Tzortzakis N. 2020. Assessing the Biostimulant Effects of a Novel Plant-Based Formulation on Tomato Crop. Sustainability, in press.
- Litskas V, Mandoulaki A, Vogiatzakis IN, Tzortzakis N, Stavrinides M, 2020. Sustainable viticulture: first determination of the Environmental Footprint of grapes. Sustainability, in press.
- Petropoulos SA, Fernandes Â, Plexida S, Pereira C, Dias MI, Calhelha R, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Petrović J, Soković MD, Ferreira ICFR, Barros L, 2020. The Sustainable Use of Cotton, Hazelnut and Ground Peanut Waste in Vegetable Crop Production. Sustainability, in press.
- Chrysargyris A, Prasad M, Kavanagh A, Tzortzakis N, 2020. Biochar type, ratio and nutrient levels in growing media affects seedling production and plant performance. Agronomy, in press.
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Akinci G, Moustakas K, Tzortzakis N. 2020. Printed paper waste as an alternative growing medium component to produce Brassica seedlings under nursery conditions. Sustainability, In press.
- Massa D, Magán JJ, Montesano, F, Tzortzakis N. 2020. Minimizing water and nutrient losses from soilless cropping in southern Europe. Agricultural Water Management, In Press.
- Patsalou M, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Koutinas M, 2020. A biorefinery for conversion of citrus peel waste into essential oils, pectin, fertilizer and succinic acid via different fermentation strategies. Waste Management. In Press
- Lytra K, Tomou EM, Chrysargyris A, Drouza C, Skaltsa H, Tzortzakis N, 2020. Traditionally used Sideritis cypria: Phytochemistry, nutritional content, bioactive compounds of cultivated populations, Front Pharmacol (In Press)
- Chrysargyris A, Mikallou M, Petropoulos SA, Tzortzakis N, 2020. Profiling of essential oils components and polyphenols for their antioxidant activity of medicinal and aromatic plants grown at different altitudes. Agronomy, In press
- Tzortzakis N, Saridakis C, Chrysargyris A, 2020. Treated wastewater and fertigation applied for greenhouse tomato cultivation grown in municipal solid waste compost and soil mixtures. Sustainability, In press
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Litskas V, Stavrinides M, Heyman L, Demeestere K, Höfte M, Tzortzakis N. 2020. Assessing the impact of climate change in Mediterranean viticulture: effects of drought stress and soil cultivation in Chardonnay and Xynisteri grape cultivars. Agronomy, (In press).
- Petropoulos S, Fernandes Â, Dias MI, Pereira C, Calhelha R, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Ivanov M, Sokovic M, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR, 2020. Chemical composition and plant growth of Centaurea raphanina mixta plants cultivated under saline conditions. Molecules (In press).
- Litskas DV, Tzortzakis N, Stavrinides CM, 2020. Determining the carbon footprint and emission hotspots for the wine produced in Cyprus. Atmosphere, in press
- Petropoulos SA, Fernandes Â, Dias MI, Pereira C, Calhelha R, Di Gioia F, Tzortzakis N, Ivanov M, Sokovic M, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR, 2020. Wild and Cultivated Centaurea raphanina subsp. mixta: A Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds. Antioxidants, 9, 314; doi:10.3390/antiox9040314
- Tzortzakis N, Nicola S, Savvas D, Voogt W, 2020. Editorial: Soilless cultivation through an intensive crop production scheme. Management strategies, challenges and future directions. Frontiers in Plant Science, In Press.
- Di Gioia F, Tzortzakis N, Rouphael Y, Kyriacou MC, Sampaio SL, Ferreira ICFR, Petropoulos SA, 2020. Grown to be Blue—Antioxidant Properties and Health Effects of Colored Vegetables. Part II: Leafy, Fruit and others Vegetables. Antioxidants, in Press.
- Tzortzakis N, Chrysargyris A, Aziz A, 2020. Adaptive response of a native Mediterranean grapevine cultivar upon short-term exposure to drought and heat stress in the context of Climate Change. Agronomy, in Press.
- Petropoulos SA, Di Gioia F, Polyzos N, Tzortzakis N, 2020. Natural Antioxidants, Health Effects and Bioactive Properties of Wild Allium Species. Current Pharmaceutical Design, In press.
- Prasad M, Chrysargyris A, McDaniel N, Kavanagh A, Gruda NS., Tzortzakis N, 2020. Plant nutrient availability and pH of biochars and their fractions, with possible use as component into a growing media. Agronomy, 10(1), 10.
- Skar SLG, Pineda-Martos R, Timpe A, Pölling B, Bohn K, Külvik M, Delgado C, Pedras CMG, Paço TA, Cujic M, Tzortzakis N, Chrysargyris A, Peticila A, Alencikiene G, Monsees H, Junge R, 2020. Urban agriculture as a keystone contribution towards securing sustainable and healthy development for cities in the future. Blue-Green Systems 1(1): in press.
- Petropoulos SA., Fernandes Â, Plexida S, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Barreira JCM, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR., 2020. Biostimulants application alleviates water stress effects on yield and chemical composition of greenhouse green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Agronomy, in Press.
- Costan A, Stamatakis A, Chrysargyris A, Petropoulos SA, Tzortzakis N, 2020. Interactive effects of salinity and silicon application on Solanum lycopersicumgrowth, physiology and shelf life of fruit produced hydroponically. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 100 (2): 732-743.
- Tzortzakis N, 2019. Physiological and Proteomic Approaches to Address the Active Role of Botrytis cinerea Inoculation in Tomato Postharvest Ripening. Microorgansims, In Press.
- Petropoulos SA, Sampaio SL, Di Gioia F, Tzortzakis N, Rouphael Y, Kyriacou MC, Ferreira ICFR, 2019. Grown to be Blue—Antioxidant Properties and Health Effects of Colored Vegetables. Part I: Root Vegetables. Antioxidants, in Press.
- Pereira C, Dias MI, Petropoulos SA, Plexida S, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, Calhelha RC, Ivanov M, Stojković D, Soković M, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR, 2019. The effects of biostimulants, biofertilizers and water-stress on nutritional value and chemical composition of two spinach genotypes (Spinacia oleracea). Molecules, in press.
- Lall N, Chrysargyris A, Lambrechts I, Fibrich B, van Staden AB, Twilley D, de Canha MN, Oosthuizen CB, Bodiba D, Tzortzakis N, 2019. Sideritis perfoliata (subsp. perfoliata) nutritive value and its potential medicinal properties. Antioxidants, In press
- Tzortzakis N, Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, 2019. Sage essential oil improves the effectiveness of Aloe vera gel on postharvest quality of tomato fruit. Agronomy, In press
- Chrysargyris A, Prasad M, Kavanagh A, Tzortzakis N, 2019. Biochar type and ratio as a peat additive/partial peat replacement in growing media for cabbage seedling production. Agronomy, In press
- Hassanpouraghdam MB, Vojodi LM, Tzortzakis N, 2019. Foliar application of nano-zinc and iron affects physiological attributes of Rosmarinus officinalis and quietens NaCl salinity depression. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. In press.
- Petropoulos S, Fernandes Â, Stojković D, Pereira C, Taofiq O, Di Gioia F, Tzortzakis N, Soković M, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. 2019. Cotton and cardoon byproducts as potential growing media components for Cichorium spinosum commercial cultivation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 240: article 118254.
- Chrysargyris A, Kloukina C, Vassiliou R, Tomou EM, Skaltsa H, Tzortzakis N. 2019. Cultivation strategy to improve chemical profile and anti-oxidant activity of Sideritis perfoliata subsp. perfoliata. Industrial Crops and Products, 140: article 111694.
- Litskas DV, Chrysargyris A, Stavrinides CM, Tzortzakis N, 2019. Water-energy-food nexus: a case study on medicinal and aromatic plants. Journal of Cleaner Production, 233: 1334-1343.
- Petropoulos SA, Taofiq O, Fernandes Â, Tzortzakis N, Ciric A, Sokovic M, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. 2019. Bioactive properties of greenhouse cultivated green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under biostimulants and water-stress effect. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99 (13): 6049-6059.
- Chrysargyris A, Loupasaki S, Petropoulos S, Tzortzakis N. 2019. Salinity and cation foliar application: implications on essential oil yield and composition of hydroponically grown spearmint plants. Scientia Horticulturae, 256: article 108581.
- Xylia P, Botsaris G, Chrysargyris A, Skandamis P, Tzortzakis N, 2019. Variation of microbial load and biochemical activity of ready-to-eat salads in Cyprus as affected by vegetable type, season, and producer. Food Microbiology, 83: 200-210.
- Xylia P, Clark A, Chrysargyris A, Romanazzi G, Tzortzakis N, 2019. Quality and safety attributes on shredded carrots by using Origanum majorana and ascorbic acid. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 155: 120-129.
- Chrysargyris A, Papakyriakou E, Petropoulos S.A., Tzortzakis N. 2019. The combined and single effect of salinity and copper stress on growth and quality of Mentha spicata Journal of Hazardous Materials. 368: 584-593.
- Petropoulos SA, Fernandes Â, Pereira C, Tzortzakis N, Vaz J, Sokovic M, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. 2019. Bioactivities, chemical composition and nutritional value of Cynara cardunculus seeds. Food Chemistry, 289: 404-412.
- Chrysargyris A, Antoniou O, Athinodorou F, Vassiliou R, Papadaki A, Tzortzakis N. 2019. Deployment of olive-stone waste as a substitute growing medium component for Brassica seedlings production in nurseries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26:35461-35472.
- Chrysargyris A, Solomou M, Petropoulos S, Tzortzakis N. 2019. Physiological and biochemical attributes of Mentha spicata when subjected to saline conditions and cation foliar application. Journal of Plant Physiology. 232: 27-38.
- Chrysargyris A, Petropoulos S, Fernandes A, Barros L, Tzortzakis N, Ferreira ICFR. 2019. Effect of phosphorus application rate on Mentha spicata grown in deep flow technique (DFT). Food Chemistry 276:84-92.
- Chrysargyris A, Tzionis A, Xylia P, Nicola S, Tzortzakis N. 2019. Physiochemical properties of petunia edible flowers grown under saline conditions and their postharvest performance under modified atmosphere packaging and ethanol application. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(7): 3644-3652.
- Petropoulos SA, Fernandes Â, Tzortzakis N, Sokovic M, Ciric A, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. 2019. Bioactive compounds content and antimicrobial activities of wild edible Asteraceae species of the Mediterranean flora under commercial cultivation conditions. Food Research International. 119: 859-868.
- Chrysargyris A, Stavrinides M, Moustakas K, Tzortzakis N. 2019. Utilisation of paper waste as growing media for potted ornamental plants. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 21 (10) 1937-1948.
- Chrysargyris A, Tzionis A, Xylia P, Tzortzakis N. 2018. Effects of salinity on tagetes growth, physiology and shelf life of edible flowers stored in passive modified atmosphere packaging or treated with ethanol. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10;9:1765. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01765.
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Antoniou O, Tzortzakis N, 2018. Climate Change due to heat and drought stress can alter the physiology of Maratheftiko local Cyprian grapevine variety. Journal of Water and Climate Change. 9 (4): 715-727.
- Chrysargyris A, Michailidi E, Tzortzakis N. 2018. Physiological and biochemical responses of Lavandula angustifolia to salinity under mineral foliar application. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:489. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00489.
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Anastasiou M, Pantelides I, Tzortzakis N. 2018. Effects of Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed extracts on lettuce growth, physiology and fresh cut salad storage under potassium deficiency. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 98: 5861-5872.
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Litskas V, Mandoulaki A, Antoniou D, Boyias T, Stavrinides M, Tzortzakis N, 2018. Drought stress and soil management practices in grapevines in Cyprus under the threat of Climate Change. Journal of Water and Climate Change. 9 (4): 703-714.
- Chrysargyris A, Antoniou O, Tzionis A, Prasad M, Tzortzakis N, 2018. Alternative soilless media using olive-mill and paper wastes for growing ornamental plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25: 35915-35927.
- Petropoulos S, Pereira C, Tzortzakis N, Barros L, Ferreira ICFR. 2018. Nutritional Value and Bioactive Compounds Characterization of Plant Parts From Cynara cardunculus (Asteraceae) Cultivated in Central Greece. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:459. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00459.
- Chrysargyris A, Stamatakis A, Moustakas K, Prasad M, Tzortzakis N, 2018. Evaluation of municipal solid waste compost and/or fertigation as peat substituent for pepper seedlings production. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 9(12):2285-2294.
- Prasad M, Tzortzakis N, McDaniel N. 2018. Chemical characterization of biochar and assessment of the nutrient dynamics by means of preliminary plant growth tests. Journal of Environmental Management. 216:89-95.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Botsaris G, Tzortzakis N. 2018. Mint and pomegranate extracts/oils as antibacterial agents against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on shredded carrots. Journal of Food Safety. 38:e12423.
- Xylia P, Chrysargyris A, Botsaris G, Tzortzakis N. 2017. Potential application of spearmint and lavender essential oils for assuring endive quality and safety. Crop Protection, 102: 94-103.
- Pantelides I, Tsolakidou M-D, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N. 2017. First report of root rot of hydroponically grown peppermint (Mentha x piperitaL.) caused by a Pythium myriotylum in Cyprus. Plant Disease. 101 (9). pp.1682.
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Botsaris G, Tzortzakis N. 2017. Antioxidant and antibacterial activities, mineral and essential oil composition of spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) affected by the potassium levels. Industrial Crops & Products. 103:202-212.
- Pantelides I, Tsolakidou M-D, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N. 2017. First report of root rot of hydroponically grown lettuce caused by Pythium dissotocum in Cyprus. Plant Disease. 101 (4). p.636.
- Chrysargyris A, Nikolaidou E, Stamatakis A, Tzortzakis N. 2017.Vegetative, physiological, nutritional and antioxidant behavior of spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) in response to different nitrogen supply in hydroponics. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. In Press.
- Litskas DV, Irakleous T, Tzortzakis N, Stavrinides CM, 2017. Determining the Carbon Footprint of indigenous and introduced grape varieties through Life Cycle Assessment using the island of Cyprus as a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production. 156:418-425.
- Chrysargyris A, Xylia P, Kontos Y, Ntoulaptsi M, Tzortzakis N. 2017. Consumer behavior and knowledge on organic vegetables in Cyprus. Food Research. 1:57-65.
- Chrysargyris A, Drouza C, Tzortzakis N. 2017. Optimization of potassium fertilization/nutrition for growth, physiological development, essential oil composition and antioxidant activity of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. In Press.
- Mouatcho C.J., Tzortzakis N, Soundy P, Sivakumar D. 2017. Bio-sanitation treatment using essential oils against E.coli O157:H7 on fresh lettuce. New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science. 45:165-174.
- Tzortzakis N., Chrysargyris A, 2017. Postharvest ozone application for the preservation of fruits and vegetables. Food Reviews International.33: 270-315.
- Chrysargyris A, Laoutari S, Litskas V, Stravrinides M, Tzortzakis N. 2016. Effects of water stress on lavender and sage biomass production, essential oil composition and biocidal properties against Tetranychus urticae (Koch). Scientia Horticulturae 213: 96-103.
- Tzortzakis N, Chrysargyris A, Sivakumar D, Loulakakis K. 2016. Vapour or dipping applications of methyl jasmonate, vinegar and sage oil for pepper fruit sanitation towards grey mould. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 18: 120-127.
- Chrysargyris A, Nikou A, Tzortzakis N. 2016. Effectiveness of Aloe vera gel coating for maintaining tomato fruit quality. New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science. pp.1-15. DOI: 10.1080/01140671.2016.1181661.
- Chrysargyris A, Panayiotou C, Tzortzakis N. 2016. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels affected plant growth, essential oil composition and antioxidant status of lavender plant (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.). Industrial Crops & Products. 83: 577-586.
- Koubouris G, Tzortzakis N, Kourgialas NN, Darioti M, Metzidakis I, 2015. Growth, photosynthesis and pollen performance in saline water treated olive plants under high temperature. International Journal of Plant Biology, 6: 28-32.
- Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2015. Municipal solid wastes and mineral fertilizer as an eggplant transplant medium. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 15: 11-23.
- Papamichalaki M, Papadaki A, Tzortzakis N, 2014. Substitution of peat for municipal solid waste compost in watermelon seedlings production in combination with fertigation. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 74: 452-459.
- Stavropolulou A, Loulakakis K, Magan N, Tzortzakis N, 2014. Origanum dictamnus oil vapour supress the development of grey mould in eggplant fruit and in vitro. BIOMed Research International. Article ID 562679, 11 pages.
- Klados E, Tzortzakis N, 2014. Effects of substrate and salinity in hydroponically grown Cichorium spinosum. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 14: 211-222.
- Dagianta E, Goumas D, Manios T, Tzortzakis N, 2014.The use of treated wastewater and fertigation in greenhouse pepper crop as affected growth and fruit quality. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination. 4: 92-99.
- Christoulaki Μ, Gouma S, Manios T, Τzortzakis N, 2014. Deployment of sawdust as substrate medium in hydroponically grown lettuce. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 37: 1304-1315.
- Petousi I, Fountoulakis M, Tzortzakis N, Dokianakis S, Stentiford EI, Manios T, 2014. Occurrence of micro-pollutants in a soil-radish system irrigated with several types of treated domestic wastewater. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 225: 1791-1799.
- Pilatakis G, Μanios T, Τzortzakis N, 2013. The use of primary and secondary treated municipal wastewater for cucumber irrigation in hydroponic system. Water Practice and Technology, 8: 433-439.
- Marinou E, Chrysargyris A, Tzortzakis N, 2013.Use of sawdust, coco soil and pumice in hydroponically grown strawberry. Plant, Soil and Environment, 59:452-459.
- Chrysargyris A, Saridakis C, Tzortzakis N, 2013.Use of Municipal solid waste compost as growing medium component for melon seedlings production. Journal of Plant Biology and Soil Health, 2: 1-5.
- Tzortzakis NG, Taybi T, Antony E, Singleton I, Borland A, Barnes J. 2013. Profiling shifts in protein complement in tomato fruit induced by atmospheric ozone-enrichment and/or wound-inoculation with Botrytis cinerea. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 78: 67-75.
- Tzortzakis N, Gouma S, Dagianta E, Saridakis C, Papamichalaki M, Goumas D, Manios T, 2012. Use of fertigation and Municipal Solid Waste Compost for greenhouse pepper cultivation. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, Article ID 973193, 8 pages.
- Tzortzakis N, Gouma S, Paterakis C, Manios T, 2012. Deployment of municipal solid wastes as a substitute growing medium component in marigold and basil seedlings production. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, Article ID 285874, 6 pages.
- Tzortzakis N, Metzidakis I, 2012. Determination of heat stress and ultra low oxygen in chestnut storage under control and modified atmospheres. Food and Nutrition Science, 3: 387-393.
- Sofiadou E, Tzortzakis NG, 2012. Deployment of olive-mill waste as a substitute growing medium component in tomato seedling and crop production. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 18: 272-283.
- Chondraki S, Tzerakis C, Tzortzakis N, 2012. Influence of NaCl and calcium foliar spray on hydroponically grown parsley in NFT system. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 35:1457-1467.
- Tzortzakis NG, Tzanakaki K, Economakis C, 2011. Effect of origanum oil and vinegar on the maintenance of postharvest quality of tomato. Food and Nutrition Science, 2:974-982.
- Tzortzakis NG, Taybi T, Roberts R, Singleton I, Borland A, Barnes J. 2011. Low-level atmospheric ozone exposure induces protection against Botrytis cinerea with down regulation of ethylene-, jasmonate- and pathogenesis- related genes in tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 61:152-159.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2010. Ethanol, vinegar and Origanum vulgare oil vapour suppress the development of anthracnose rot in tomato fruit. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 142:14-18.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2010. Potassium and calcium enrichment alleviate salinity-induced stress in hydroponically grown endives. Journal of Horticultural Science, 37:155-162.
- Kelepesi S, Tzortzakis NG, 2009. Olive-mill Wastes – A Growing Medium Component for Seedling and Crop Production of Lettuce and Chicory. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 15:325-339.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2009. Essential oil: Innovative tool to improve the preservation of fresh produce—a review. Fresh Produce (Special Issue), 3: 87-97.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2009. Effect of pre-sowing treatment on seed germination and seedling vigour in endive and chicory. Journal of Horticultural Science, 36:117-125.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2009. Alleviation of Salinity – Induced Stress in Lettuce Growth by Potassium Sulphate Using Nutrient Film Technique. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 15:1-14.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2009. Impact of cinnamon oil-enrichment on microbial spoilage of fresh produce. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 10: 97-102.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2009. Ιnfluence of NaCl and calcium nitrate on lettuce and endive growth using nutrient film technique. Ιnternational Journal of Vegetable Science, 15: 1-13.
- Tzortzakis NG, Economakis CD, 2008. Deployment of shredded maize stems as an alternative substrate medium in tomato soilless culture.Effect on yield and fruit quality per truss. Agrothesis, 6: 20-28.
- Tzortzakis NG, Economakis CD, 2008. Impacts of the substrate medium on tomato yield and fruit quality in soilless cultivation. Journal of Horticultural Science, 35: 83-89.
- Tzortzakis NG, Singleton I, Barnes J, 2008. Impacts of low-level atmospheric ozone-enrichment on black spot and anthracnose rot of tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 47: 1-9.
- Tzortzakis NG, Economakis CD, 2007. Shredded maize stems as an alternative medium: Effect on water and nutrient uptake by tomato in soilless culture. Journal of Vegetable Science, 13, 103-122.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2007. Antifungal activity of the essential oils against green mould (Penicillium digitatum). Agrothesis, 5: 19-25.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2007. Methyl jasmonate-induced suppression anthracnose rot in tomato fruit. Crop Protection, 26: 1507-1513.
- Tzortzakis NG, Economakis CD, 2007. Antifungal activity of lemongrass (Cympopogon citratus L.) essential oil against key postharvest pathogens. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 8: 253-258.
- Tzortzakis NG, Borland A, Singleton I, Barnes J, 2007. Impact of atmospheric ozone-enrichment on quality-related attributes of tomato fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 45: 317-326.
- Tzortzakis NG, 2007. Maintaining postharvest quality of fresh produce with volatile compounds. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 8: 111-116.
- Tzortzakis NG, Economakis CD, 2007. Maintaining postharvest quality of the tomato fruit by employing methyl jasmonate and ethanol vapor treatment. Journal of Food Quality, 30: 567-580.
- Tzortzakis NG, Singleton I, Barnes J, 2007. Deployment of low-level ozone-enrichment for the preservation of fresh produce in chilled storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 43: 261-270.
- Tzortzakis NG, Economakis CD, 2005. Shredded maize stems as an alternative substrate medium. Effect on growth, flowering and yield of tomato in soilless culture. Journal of Vegetable Science 11 (2): 57-70