Preharvest Studies
Filed crops and Hydroponics/substrates culture
Lettuce in DFT Strawberry in Perlite & Cocosoil
Spearmint in DFT Lettuce in NFT
Tomato and Pepper in compost Cucumber in hydroponics with waste water
We work in field, nursery and greenhouse (including hydroponics) applications in vegetables and aromatic/medicinal plants in experimental studies with Salinity; Deficit irrigation; Nutrient balance; Treated wastewater and Reuse; Local organic and inert substrates in hydroponics
Ongoing research projects
- ‘Exploitation of brackish water with cyanobacteria for hydroponically grown vegetables’. (Collaborators: Dr Maria Antoniou-CUT)
- Biofortification of vegetables and aromatic plants-CUT
Completed research projects
- ‘Impact of nutrients and salinity in hydroponically grown aromatic plants’. PhD project at CUT
- ΄Impacts of salinity on olive tree (Olea europaea L.) in hydroponic culture and technique to eliminate stresses΄. Inter-country Collaboration Greece – Egypt. (Collaborators: Dr Giorgos Koubouris-ISPOT-NAGREF).
- ‘Defencit irrigation affected aromatic plant growth and essential oil production and insecticidal activity’. (Collaborators: Dr Menelaos Stavrinides-CUT).
- Biostimulants on vegetables (tomato, cucumber, lettuce). (Collaborators: Dr Menelaos Stavrinides-CUT)