Παραδοτέα Έργου


Project Information:

During the past decades, Europe has been strug-gling to achieve its climate protection targets by implementing a series of measures in all energy consuming sectors. In the building sector, various instruments and policies have been applied by….



Energy Performance Indicators for Building Stocks :

A major objective of the EPISCOPE project is to lay a basis for the tracking of the energy refurbishment progress of housing stock entities in the field of thermal protection and heat supply (heating and hot water) against the background of energy saving and climate protection needs. During the project different residential….



Inclusion of New Buildings in Residential Building Typologies:


Building typologies have proved to be a useful instrument for an in-depth understanding of the energy performance of certain building types and categories. In the framework of the IEE project TABULA, residential building typologies have been developed for 13 European coun-tries following a common methodological structure. Each national typology….



Ενημερωτικά φυλλάδια πιλοτικών κατοικιών:
